All emotions matter!
Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) has become an important part of psychotherapy in recent years. More and more people are using EFT to treat a wide range of problems. Emotion-Focused Therapy is a humanistic treatment that views emotions as important in human functioning and change. EFT involves following and guiding the client's experiences. It emphasises the importance of relationships and skills. Emotions are the most important thing in our lives. They affect how we think and make sense of things.
EFT says that emotions can help people change how they feel. This view of emotion is based on the idea that emotions are an innate and adaptive system that has evolved to help us survive and thrive.
Emotions are linked to our basic needs. They tell us when something is important to our well-being. They also help us take action to meet our needs. People benefit from therapy when their therapist helps them understand and manage their emotions. This makes them stronger and helps them live more fully and adaptively.